Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pinky on Jones' Envy

Did you ever notice how even in pictures, other people's lives look more interesting? I've been browsing the photo albums and profiles of my friends on Facebook and can't help but notice that they are always surrounded by friends, travelling abroad, skiiing, yucking it up, or WORSE for my sense of a fully-rounded life, participating in good deeds. I can't help but think there is a conspiracy afoot to put my fairly prosaic, stripped-down, reading-on-couch-and-not-necessarily-great-works-get-up-to-walk-dog-when-she-is-crossing-paws-at-front-door life to shame. I mean really, who has a karaoke party with 150 friends for their birthday and then plays football with the entire Boys and Girls club of Seattle and then wake-boards in Spain the next day? Do you think that I really believe this isn't a large-scale effort by Photoshop to expose my pitiful rurual existence to shame?

Okay, I have great friends and they do great things and lead great lives.......I guess my diamond encrusted invitation just got lost in the mail :) I love you ALL! (the person whose photo albums I abused to make a somewhat humorous, but truly loving and impressed point....I'll buy lunch next time :)

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